Facilitating the Duo Family Café Leading a group at the Duo Family Café was one of the highlights of my internship. The goal of this project is to give multicultural families a warm, secure environment in which to interact, exchange stories, and offer support to one another. Despite the lower-than-anticipated participation, the conversations were insightful and impactful. Each session demonstrated the strength and endurance of multicultural families as they managed the hurdles of combining multiple cultures, languages, and customs. The Power of Connection Despite the challenges of low attendance, the Duo Family Café sessions underscored the importance of connection. The families who attended shared their stories, offering insights into their daily lives and the unique dynamics of their intercultural relationships. These conversations highlighted the need for more spaces where intercultural families can come together, exchange ideas, and build a supportive community. Behind the Scenes: Online Work In addition to my role at the Duo Family Café, much of my work at Familia was conducted online. From making reports and writing emails to creating forms/certificates and editing documents, I had the opportunity to contribute to the organization’s work in various ways. Lessons Learned Throughout my internship, I’ve learned valuable lessons about the importance of cultural sensitivity, empathy, and adaptability. Working with intercultural families requires a deep understanding of the diverse backgrounds and experiences that each family brings. It’s about recognizing and celebrating these differences while finding common ground to build strong, supportive relationships.
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Reflections and experiences from the life of intercultural families. kategoriat
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Kirjoittajina voivat toimia kaikki kahden kulttuurin arkea elävät ja aiheesta kiinnostuneet. Kynnystä kirjoittamiselle ei tule nostaa liian korkealle ja kirjoittaa voi joko omalla nimellä tai nimimerkillä. Blogissa esitetyt näkökannat ja mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia, eivätkä edusta Familian kantaa. Kahden kulttuurin arki on itsessään kiinnostavaa ja siitä kirjoittaminen voi avata myös itselle uusia näkökulmia! Blogikirjoituksia voi tarjota sähköpostitse (info@ familiary.fi) tai yhteydenottolomakkeen kautta. Lopullisen valinnan julkaistavista jutuista tekee Familian henkilökunta. Tervetuloa mukaan! participate!We warmly welcome you to participate in our blog community: read, comment, and write!
Anyone who lives and works in the world of intercultural families and is interested in the topic is welcome to contribute. The threshold for writing should not be too high, and you can write either under your own name or under a pseudonym. Keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in the blog are those of the authors and do not represent the position of Familia. The everyday life of intercultural families is interesting and writing about it can also open new perspectives for you! Your story matters and helps to raise awareness about the opportunities and challenges within intercultural families. Blog contributions can be submitted by e-mail (info@ familiary.fi) or via our contact form. Final selection and edition of the stories to be published will be conducted by our staff. Welcome to join us! |