Get Involved in the Municipal Elections! - Online Information Event in English
The municipal elections on 13 April 2025 offer a unique chance to influence how our cities are run. Starting in 2025, municipalities will have extensive powers over key areas like parks, schools, daycare centres, healthcare, education, employment, immigration services, and mother tongue teaching—decisions that directly impact your family and community.
These elections also give immigrants a greater voice. If you’ve lived in Finland for two years (or 51 days for EU citizens), you can vote or run as a candidate. As a city councillor or committee member, you can shape these decisions directly. Or, you can support a candidate who shares your values and will advocate for your community. If you're considering running or supporting a campaign, join our English info session to learn why and how to get involved! Our speakers: - Byoma Tamrakar, Deputy Council Member, City of Helsinki (Swedish People's Party of Finland, RKP) - Arvind Ramachandran, Deputy Council Member, City of Helsinki (Left Alliance) - Josefina Sipinen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Tampere University, and author of the doctoral dissertation "Recruitment of Immigrant-origin Candidates in Finnish Municipal Elections." 📅 Date: Tuesday, 28th of January. 🕕 Time: 17:30 📍 Online (Zoom) Join us here |
relationship lectures online
Thank you for the tools, they are concrete and helpful! Thank you very much, we appreciated the session! Thank you! This was very useful! |
The online relationship lecture series for intercultural couples and relationships will continue in spring 2025. During the lectures, you will hear about the most common themes that arise in intercultural relationships and get practical tips on how to maintain and strengthen your relationship. The lecturer herself has more than 20 years of experience in intercultural relationship and has encountered hundreds of intericultural couples in her work.
Register for the lecture of your choice by filling in the form below. The lectures complement each other, but if you wish, you can also attend individual lectures. The content of the lectures in Finnish and English is similar. N.B! Lectures are not recorded and lecture materials are only sent to lecture participants! Lectures in English on Thursdays (18.00-18.45) in spring 2025: 6.3. Intercultural relationship 10.4. Tools for constructive communication 8.5. Advanced tools for communication 19.6. Towards a better emotional connection Lectures in Finnish on Thursdays (18.00-18.45) in spring 2025: 6.2. Kahden kulttuurin parisuhde 20.3. Työkaluja rakentavaan vuorovaikutukseen 17.4. Lisätyökaluja vuorovaikutuksen vahvistamiseen 22.5. Kohti parempaa tunneyhteyttä |
Online lectures
- Being the multicultural child in school - limits and possibilities (Ida Hummelstedt-Djedou)
- Childbirth in Finland (Marjaana Siivola)
- Cultural balance, when baby makes three cultures (Therese Bogan)
- Making family bilingualism work in real life (Annika Bourgogne)
- Mobile, multicultural children growing up between countries and cultures “It is not about traveling – it’s about life” (Saija Benjamin)
- Multilingualism and identity - raising multilinguals (Valisa Krairiksh Sinervo)
- Stress in Expatriate Spouses and Its Reduction (Kateřina Mononen)
- The joy and blight of being different (Helka Silventoinen)
- Perheiden voimavarat (Saija Benjamin)
- Duo puheenvuoro: Vanhemmuutta yli kulttuurirajojen (Emine Ehrström)
- Duo puheenvuoro: Suomalaisena äitinä ulkomailla, puolison kotimaassa (Helena Liikanen-Renger)
- Etämummon kokemuksia (Brita Jokinen-Morris)
- Kahden kulttuurin perheessä kasvanut. Lapsen ja nuoren kasvu ja kipuilut. (Jaana Anglé)
- Kahden vakaumuksen parisuhde ja vanhemmuus (Minna Taipale)
- Kaksin kielin kahden kulttuurin perheessä (Annika Bourgogne)
- Kasvaminen kahden kulttuurin välissä (Cátia Suomalainen Pedrosa)
Activity Calendar
Familia's activity calendar shows what's going on in Familia and when.
Click the activity name in the calendar to learn more about the event. If you would like to ask more about an event in the activity calendar, you can contact Familia via contact form or by contacting Familia's office by email [email protected] Welcome to our activities! |