Looking for information?On our website you will find information related to intercultural couples, families, children and youth as well as multilingualism, parenthood and grandparenthood. There are also stories, articles, research papers, publications and online videos about intercultural families and people. The stories in our website are listed here by theme and you can read the stories by clicking on the link. Our online course, guide and other materials can be found on the Online Courses and Guides page.
In our Blog people living in intercultural relationships and families share their thoughts and experiences about intercultural life. In addition, we provide information and training to professionals about intercultural issues. Familia has been managing projects focusing on intercultural families since 2008. During this time, we have accumulated a huge amount of information and expertise on the subject. We have also trained experts by experience, who can talk about, for example, intercultural family life, parenthood and grandparenthood, intercultural separation and divorce, single parenthood and growing up as a multicultural Finn. |
Looking for training?
We offer training about the special features of intercultural families to professionals in municipalities and other organisations, as well as to volunteers and students. Our trainings and lectures focus on the theme of culturalism, but the knowledge gained from them can be well applied in all work involving multiculturalism, meeting people and cultural sensitivity.
The themes of our lectures and trainings have included:
We have also trained experts by experience, who promote the well-being of intercultural families by sharing their experiences in peer groups, trainings, seminars or in collaboration with the media. You can order an expert by experience from us to share their personal experiences, for example, as part of a training day, seminar or event. Our experts by experience can also visit different groups (working groups, peer groups, etc.)
Interested? Contact us to discuss your needs for training. |