Our mission is to promote the well-being and improve the quality of life of intercultural families and their family members living in Finland. We raise awareness about the special characteristics and needs of intercultural families in our society.
At the same time, we support and develop structures for an equal and multicultural Finnish society. Familia acts as an advocate for intercultural families and seeks to influence decision-making processes that have an influence over them. |
Advocacy news
JOINT STATEMENT: Don't look away - hate speech must be fought with both words and actions
Hate speech is not a small thing, but a big thing. It is the responsibility of each of us – decision maker, citizen, teacher, parent or whoever – to recognize it and actively address it. To not look away when hate is being spread. Interfere with both words and actions.
We demand that the people in decision-making positions in our society think carefully about the kind of example they set for children and young people. You must not look away, even when discriminatory speech is used, for example, by your own party colleague or government partner. Practical and respectful behavior must be consistently demanded from everyone.
Read the joint statement of 19 organizations in its entirety here (available only in Finnish).
Hate speech is not a small thing, but a big thing. It is the responsibility of each of us – decision maker, citizen, teacher, parent or whoever – to recognize it and actively address it. To not look away when hate is being spread. Interfere with both words and actions.
We demand that the people in decision-making positions in our society think carefully about the kind of example they set for children and young people. You must not look away, even when discriminatory speech is used, for example, by your own party colleague or government partner. Practical and respectful behavior must be consistently demanded from everyone.
Read the joint statement of 19 organizations in its entirety here (available only in Finnish).
Answer our survey about views on dual and multiple citizenship and its meaning!
We invite anyone who has, eligible for or is thinking of dual or multiple citizenship. We also invite parents of children who have or can get dual or multiple citizenship to participate in a survey.
Your answers are valuable to us and help us understand the impact of dual and multiple citizenship from different perspectives. Familia works to promote understanding of dual and multiple citizenship issues and to improve the position of intercultural families and individuals in society.
The survey is anonymous and available in Finnish and English.
It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.
After the survey, you can participate in a prize draw via a separate link. We will draw 2 copies of the Mixed book, 2 Familia's Kokonainen Minä children's books and 2 umbrellas.
We invite anyone who has, eligible for or is thinking of dual or multiple citizenship. We also invite parents of children who have or can get dual or multiple citizenship to participate in a survey.
Your answers are valuable to us and help us understand the impact of dual and multiple citizenship from different perspectives. Familia works to promote understanding of dual and multiple citizenship issues and to improve the position of intercultural families and individuals in society.
The survey is anonymous and available in Finnish and English.
It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.
After the survey, you can participate in a prize draw via a separate link. We will draw 2 copies of the Mixed book, 2 Familia's Kokonainen Minä children's books and 2 umbrellas.
SuomiAreena 2024
Ahoy! We are participating in Suomi Areena at the end of June in Pori!
We are organizing a discussion event on June 26, under the title Finnishness 2.0 - how do we define Finnishness? The concept of Finnishness is diverse and owned by many. Finland has always been multicultural. We have had our own minorities for centuries. There hasn't been a single truth about Finnishness that everyone shares. The definition has changed depending on who has been in power. The category of Finnishness needs to be expanded. We need an open discussion about who we Finns are. Who has the right to define another's identity? What is Finnishness? Who is Finnish?
Our wonderful speakers are Janina Waenthongkham, from Mixed Finn Hunderra Assefa, from Suomen muslimifoorumi, Päivi Majaniemi, from Suomen Romaniyhdistys and Dora Puhakka, Jade yhteisö . The host is Artëm Kuosti from House of Helsinki.
Ahoy! We are participating in Suomi Areena at the end of June in Pori!
We are organizing a discussion event on June 26, under the title Finnishness 2.0 - how do we define Finnishness? The concept of Finnishness is diverse and owned by many. Finland has always been multicultural. We have had our own minorities for centuries. There hasn't been a single truth about Finnishness that everyone shares. The definition has changed depending on who has been in power. The category of Finnishness needs to be expanded. We need an open discussion about who we Finns are. Who has the right to define another's identity? What is Finnishness? Who is Finnish?
Our wonderful speakers are Janina Waenthongkham, from Mixed Finn Hunderra Assefa, from Suomen muslimifoorumi, Päivi Majaniemi, from Suomen Romaniyhdistys and Dora Puhakka, Jade yhteisö . The host is Artëm Kuosti from House of Helsinki.
Familia ry: Additional time is needed for deciding on new pupil admission criteria - the child's linguistic and cultural rights have not been taken into account in the proposal
Familia demands that the city of Helsinki take additional time to decide on the new criteria for pupil admission. Helsinki has proposed the removal of the entrance exams for bilingual education in Finnish-language primary schools when applying for the first grade. In the future, anyone could enter bilingual education through a lottery. The change was supposed to come into effect in 2025. The matter is being decided today, Tuesday, in the Finnish-language section of the Board of Education and Training of the City of Helsinki.
The proposal to remove entrance exams has raised concerns among parents of multilingual children, especially in the families of children coming to Käpylä school's bilingual Finnish-Spanish education. The decision has been pushed through without proper consultation of experts or parents. The decision is justified on pedagogical grounds, but these grounds do not consider the linguistic and cultural rights of multilingual children.
Read the full statement here (in Finnish)
Familia demands that the city of Helsinki take additional time to decide on the new criteria for pupil admission. Helsinki has proposed the removal of the entrance exams for bilingual education in Finnish-language primary schools when applying for the first grade. In the future, anyone could enter bilingual education through a lottery. The change was supposed to come into effect in 2025. The matter is being decided today, Tuesday, in the Finnish-language section of the Board of Education and Training of the City of Helsinki.
The proposal to remove entrance exams has raised concerns among parents of multilingual children, especially in the families of children coming to Käpylä school's bilingual Finnish-Spanish education. The decision has been pushed through without proper consultation of experts or parents. The decision is justified on pedagogical grounds, but these grounds do not consider the linguistic and cultural rights of multilingual children.
Read the full statement here (in Finnish)
Familia's statement on the draft of the Government's action program on combating racism and promoting equality
As a general comment, we would like to point out that the action program contains a lot of high-level issues, but the actual concreteness and sufficient resources to promote things are few. The six million euros earmarked for the action program is a small amount of money, considering the cuts in government grants to organizations at the same time. The program does not reveal in more detail how the amount reserved for this will be distributed, other than in terms of promoting the security of Jewish congregations (400,000 euros/year). In addition, the objectives of the action program are in conflict with immigration and the tightening of citizenship, which have a great impact on cross-border families who have immigrated to the country and live here.
Read the statement in its entirety here (only in Finnish)
As a general comment, we would like to point out that the action program contains a lot of high-level issues, but the actual concreteness and sufficient resources to promote things are few. The six million euros earmarked for the action program is a small amount of money, considering the cuts in government grants to organizations at the same time. The program does not reveal in more detail how the amount reserved for this will be distributed, other than in terms of promoting the security of Jewish congregations (400,000 euros/year). In addition, the objectives of the action program are in conflict with immigration and the tightening of citizenship, which have a great impact on cross-border families who have immigrated to the country and live here.
Read the statement in its entirety here (only in Finnish)
Familia's written expert opinion on the government's proposal to amend the Citizenship Act into law
The Administration Committee of the Parliament asked Familia for a written expert opinion on changing the citizenship law. Familia does not support the proposed tightening of the citizenship law. Tightenings weakens the inclusion of intercultural families, the possibility to move outside the borders, the desire to commit to Finland and to form a family in Finland, if the conditions for the spouse who moved to the country to become a full member and participate in society are made more difficult. Since the effects of changes in the law on the lives of individuals and families can be large, the assessment of such effects should be increased before the legislation is changed. Statement only available in Finnish.
The Administration Committee of the Parliament asked Familia for a written expert opinion on changing the citizenship law. Familia does not support the proposed tightening of the citizenship law. Tightenings weakens the inclusion of intercultural families, the possibility to move outside the borders, the desire to commit to Finland and to form a family in Finland, if the conditions for the spouse who moved to the country to become a full member and participate in society are made more difficult. Since the effects of changes in the law on the lives of individuals and families can be large, the assessment of such effects should be increased before the legislation is changed. Statement only available in Finnish.
Familia ry's statement on the draft government proposal amending the Aliens Act and section 2 of the Act on the Conditions of Entry and Residence of Third-Country Nationals on the Basis of Research, Studies, Practical Training and Voluntary Activities
Familia ry will comment on the Ministry of the Interior's request for comments (VN/24628/2023) on its own initiative on a draft government proposal concerning the development of residence permit regulations in the Aliens Act (SM041:00/2023).
The draft proposal consists of several different entities related to entry regulations and asylum seekers' possibilities to apply for a residence permit on the basis of studies or work.
Due to the fast schedule, Familia is unable to comment on all the details and implications of the proposal.
Read the entire statement here (in Finnish).
Familia ry will comment on the Ministry of the Interior's request for comments (VN/24628/2023) on its own initiative on a draft government proposal concerning the development of residence permit regulations in the Aliens Act (SM041:00/2023).
The draft proposal consists of several different entities related to entry regulations and asylum seekers' possibilities to apply for a residence permit on the basis of studies or work.
Due to the fast schedule, Familia is unable to comment on all the details and implications of the proposal.
Read the entire statement here (in Finnish).
Our äidinkielenä monikielisyys - the citizens' initiative discussed in YLE's All Points North podcast
2.2.2023 Yle's All Points North podcast talked with Familia's executive director, Elina about our Äidinkielenä monikielisyys - the citizens' initiative. Go and listen what they talked about the meaning of registering many languages. Podcast is in English. https://yle.fi/a/74-20016059 International talent Finland Blog: Spouses of intercultural families more quickly into working life Read here our executive director Elina Helmanen's blog piece published on the blog of International talent Finland Research Project. Central Union for Child Welfare's "Give a voice to the child" blog series: Intercultural young people have the right to belong
9.2.2023 Read our executive director Elina Helmanen's blog piece published on "Give a voice to the child" blog series (in Finnish) of the Central Union for Child Welfare. Väestöliitto Blog: Is Finland a good country for people to move here? 16.1.2023 Read our executive director Elina Helmanen's blog piece published on Väestöliitto blog section (in Finnish) Helsingin Sanomat opinion letter: D-visa should be also possible for family members of Finns 8.7.2022 Read the opinion piece of our Executive Director Elina Helmanen published on the Helsingin Sanomat opinion section (in Finnish). Helsingin Sanomat opinion letter: The maternity package should be given to every family with a baby 13.11.2021 Read the opinion piece of our Executive Director Elina Helmanen published on the Helsingin Sanomat opinion section (in Finnish). Finnish Pensioners' Federation podcast: Finland through my own eyes: Love and families of two cultures in Finland. Listen here to our executive director Elina Helmanen's talking on the Finnish Pensioners' Federation podcast (in Finnish) |
The elections for the Finnish parliament were held on April 2nd 2023. We hope that following these elections, we will get a Finland that takes better into account multilingual and intercultural families.
To achieve that, we composed a list of propositions that we hope would be included in the new government programme. You can read our objectives in the section about the Finnish parliamentary elections on our website. Please share this if you and your intercultural family support these objectives and let us know if you have anything to add! |
The pandemic has also affected the situation of those waiting for a residence permit. The majority of those involved in the Side by Side project activities are couples, one of whom is a Finnish citizen and the other is from a non-EU country. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the process of applying for a residence permit has been delayed at various stages. Finnish governmental and public offices may have been closed and travel to them has become more difficult. "We need more flexible practices from delegations abroad and in Finland from the Finnish Immigration Service so that the identifications required by the residence permit process can be handled without delay and people can move forward in their processes and make decisions within a reasonable time," writes Sanna Rummakko and Anu Kytömäki from the Side by Side project. Read the full blog post here. #Loveisnottourism #loveisessential |
Over the past weeks, the media has focused on bicultural couples and families who are still waiting for the opportunity to see each other. Their involuntary wait has now been going on for nine months. Finland has still not opened its visa services to third-country nationals, which has made the situation of the families unbearable. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has justified the closing of citizens' services on the grounds of public health safety.
This week we highlight the stories of these families and couples who are separated by the pandemic. It is now time for the Finnish authorities and policy makers to find solutions for these families and enable what other countries managing their pandemic situation are offering already.
Read the full blog post here.
You can follow our advocacy campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Over the past weeks, the media has focused on bicultural couples and families who are still waiting for the opportunity to see each other. Their involuntary wait has now been going on for nine months. Finland has still not opened its visa services to third-country nationals, which has made the situation of the families unbearable. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has justified the closing of citizens' services on the grounds of public health safety.
This week we highlight the stories of these families and couples who are separated by the pandemic. It is now time for the Finnish authorities and policy makers to find solutions for these families and enable what other countries managing their pandemic situation are offering already.
Read the full blog post here.
You can follow our advocacy campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Familia participated in a hearing organised by the Ministry of Justice on the drafting of the Action Plan on Anti-Racism, Anti-Discrimination and Good Relations with the Population, which was included in the Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government Programme. Following the hearing, we submitted written comments to the Ministry of Justice on the development of the Action Plan, outlining the discrimination and racism experienced by our members and suggesting areas for improvement in the development of anti-racism policies and necessary legislative reforms. Read our full comments here. |
In February 2022 we conducted a survey to the parents of bi- and multilingual school kids about mother tongue/home language instruction in elementary school. With this survey we wanted to find out
Three main points resulted:
The results point out following needs:
During autumn 2020, Familia conducted a survey on racism and discrimination experienced by intercultural couples and families in Finland. An intercultural family is a family where the spouses come from different countries and have different cultural backgrounds. Familia is the only organisation in Finland that organises activities for intercultural families, provides specialised advice and acts as an advocate for such families. For Familia, the well-being of multicultural couples and families is the basis of its activities and therefore we felt it was important to map their experiences with racism and discrimination. We wanted to use the survey to find out the experiences and perspectives of all members of the family - both the immigrant, the Finnish spouse and the child. It is important to know about both good and bad experiences so that we can better advocate for our target group in the society. We wanted to find out how we in Familia could do even better to prevent racism and discrimination. The aim was to gather information that we could use, for example, to develop our activities and to plan training courses for professionals in this field. |
Share your opinion!
Your opinion matters to us, and we want to consider it when designing our activities. We want to ask those interested in our activities, whether members or not members, what kind of activities could you like us to have in the future?
Share your opinion by taking the survey!
Share your opinion by taking the survey!
Familia ry, an expert on intercultural families, believes that Finland should allow the possibility to be officially bilingual or multilingual, which will only happen if the population information system allows for the registration of more than one mother tongue. Read our position paper published on 12 March 2019 in full (in Finnish): Useamman kuin yhden äidinkielen rekisteröinti on mahdollistettava.
Familia ry, an expert on intercultural families, believes that Finland should allow the possibility to be officially bilingual or multilingual, which will only happen if the population information system allows for the registration of more than one mother tongue. Read our position paper published on 12 March 2019 in full (in Finnish): Useamman kuin yhden äidinkielen rekisteröinti on mahdollistettava.
The publication highlights the results of our survey and examines the current state of bilingualism in Finland, especially from the perspective of intercultural families. The different perspectives are highlighted in the text with examples supported by quotes and comments of the respondents. The publication reflects on mother tongue and bilingualism and offers answers to questions such as: What is bilingualism and how is it supported? What does bilingualism mean in intercultural families? Why should it be possible to register more than one mother tongue in the population register? Read the full publication (PDF) (in Finnish): Äidinkielenä kaksikielisyys - Kaksikulttuuristen perheiden näkökulmaa kaksikielisyyteen
The publication highlights the results of our survey and examines the current state of bilingualism in Finland, especially from the perspective of intercultural families. The different perspectives are highlighted in the text with examples supported by quotes and comments of the respondents. The publication reflects on mother tongue and bilingualism and offers answers to questions such as: What is bilingualism and how is it supported? What does bilingualism mean in intercultural families? Why should it be possible to register more than one mother tongue in the population register? Read the full publication (PDF) (in Finnish): Äidinkielenä kaksikielisyys - Kaksikulttuuristen perheiden näkökulmaa kaksikielisyyteen
Familia's articles on bilingualism (only in Finnish)
- Artikkeli: Vähemmistössä muttei vähempiarvoinen (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
- Artikkeli: Kaksi kulttuuria ja kaksi kieltä (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
- Artikkeli: Miksi vanhempien tulisi puhua omaa äidinkieltä lapsilleen? (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
- Artikkeli: Vähemmistössa, muttei vähempiarvoinen (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
- Artikkeli: Kaksikielisten lasten "oman äidinkielen" opetus (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
- Artikkeli: Pitäisikö väestörekisteriin voida merkitä useampi kuin yksi äidinkieli? (Familian Duo -hanke, 2015)
Yhdessä maailmassa Podcast
Welcome to Yhdessä mailmassa, a podcast by Familia where we advocate for intercultural families in Finland. Elina Helmanen, Execute Director of Familia, explores different points of views side by side with experts in topics such as employment, intercultural relationships, wellbeing, bilingualism, migration, social causes and more. Stay with us and be part of the change!
You can listen to our episodes on:
You can listen to our episodes on:
Episode 1
We start this journey by talking to advocacy volunteer Kateřina Buchtová
about employment in Finland and what it's like to be a foreigner and a worker in this country . |
Episode 2
Registering more than one mother tongue in Finland: challenges, opportunities, and insights! Our expert Tanja del Angel explains in detail what is the fuss over this topic and why it is relevant for intercultural families. Learn also how registration of more than one native tongue has evolved over recent years, and what opportunities do we have for a more multilingual Finland!