“Once you're a foreigner and you're getting out of your own home, and away from your spouse - for whom you probably came here - it's very tough. You see yourself alone. It's not so easy to find all this information all of the sudden. Sometimes you just have a month, and that's it.” “Find organisations that help. Don’t think that you alone! And DON’T involve your children in the anger/hate/bitter feelings for your ex, it is not their fault!!!” Going through a divorce or separation is difficult, especially when you are far away from your family and friends. You might find it difficult to talk about your feelings, or feel misunderstood and alone in your current situation. Maybe you also worry about your future or that of your children, or you feel overwhelmed with the new situation.
You can go without an appointment and talk about issues concerning your divorce at your local First Aid for Divorce Eron ensiapupiste (the site lists the places in Southern Finland). Local social services offer family mediation. If you have children, you can contact your local perheneuvola. You can also find a lot of help online. See below. |
Phone and web counselling
Many associations offer counselling services and emotional support online or by phone. These services are very discrete and preserve your anonymity, and you can arrange them quite flexibly around your own time schedule.
Counselling and family mediation services
Counselling services are suitable for both individual people and couples or families. Other than professional therapy sessions, counselling is often free of charge. The social services of your home municipality are required by law to provide free family mediation. You can ask for counselling services at the perheneuvola or public health centers (terveyskeskus). If you are worried about the mental well-being of your child, you can contact the school psychologist at their school or perheneuvola of your municipality or for students Nyyti ry.
Peer support groups
Mental health and psychological help
If you feel that you need professional help, it is good to contact an expert as early as possible. Psychological help is available both from public and private health care centers. Therapy sessions are usually charged.
Severe crisis situations
Help for family separation
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