Story #1Back in the 1980s, integration and cross-cultural interaction were promoted in a remarkably different reality than today. There were about 20,000 foreigners in Finland who had come to Finland for marriage, study, work, and later also as refugees. In Finland, the state or municipalities had not yet organized the readiness to receive people from different cultures, whose contacts with Finns were almost non-existent. At that time, the unique richness that that group of people brought to Finland or their need to participate in Finnish everyday life was rarely understood. Overall, society did not understand the importance of integration. The desire to do something about the situation and enable natural coexistence between Finns and those who moved to Finland was initially born in the circle of private people.
Haluamme kertoa juhlavuotemme kunniaksi 35 tarinaa kahden kulttuurin perheistäJulkaisemme 35 viikon ajan 35 erilaista tarinaa, jotka kuvastavat monia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia, joita kahden kulttuurin perheet jokapäiväisessä elämässään kohtaavat. Haluamme näiden tarinoiden heijastavan todellisuutta ja tarjoavan vertaistukea, voimaannuttavia kokemuksia ja inspiraation lähteitä sekä lisäävän tietoisuutta kulttuurienvälisyydestä ja monikielisyydestä Suomessa. For 35 weeks, we will be publishing 35 different stories that reflect the many challenges and opportunities intercultural families face in their everyday lives. We want these stories to reflect reality and serve as an accessible peer support, source of empowerment and inspiration, and increase awareness of Interculturalism and Multilingualism in Finland.
January 2024
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