As the year winds down and the cold sets in, people turn inwards figuratively or literally. December is a month of running back and forth amid lights shining their gentlest yet brightest everywhere and a chance to (hopefully) catch your breath towards the end of the month. Whatever we celebrate this month - or whether we celebrate nothing at all - December means different things to different families. Everyone adds their own little twist to this month of darkness, flickering lights and festivities, and if there is one thing we can ‘generalize’ from our collective experience it’s the joy and excitement children feel when they see all their favorite traditions combined. No two families are alike and the five examples we have featured below, compiled from our Belingual families, show this only too well. We wanted to know what December means to families, whether they celebrate any holiday at all, and if they do, how they celebrate. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate (or not) any holiday in December - and as with people - when it comes to mixing traditions together, the more the merrier is a very good guideline to live by. Because children enjoy learning and sharing the way they do things, and the more children discover, the more they open up to the world.
Resiliance and sisu
All in all, my little one is excited about Christmas and as a responsible adult, I will do everything to let her live the magic of this holiday. We have been singing and dancing Christmas songs in Spanish and Finnish since late November. Our home already exhibits Christmas decorations placed strategically by her. And of course, I will make an effort to buy her some gifts and give the surprise that Santa or el Niño Dios have awarded her for her good deeds. Snow came just early this season, which gives children the joyful opportunity to play outside and do a snowman. We are healthy, safe and we love each other, that is all I need to remember to be grateful and feel the true meaning of Christmas. Communal christmas
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Anyone who lives and works in the world of intercultural families and is interested in the topic is welcome to contribute. The threshold for writing should not be too high, and you can write either under your own name or under a pseudonym. Keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in the blog are those of the authors and do not represent the position of Familia. The everyday life of intercultural families is interesting and writing about it can also open new perspectives for you! Your story matters and helps to raise awareness about the opportunities and challenges within intercultural families. Blog contributions can be submitted by e-mail (info@ or via our contact form. Final selection and edition of the stories to be published will be conducted by our staff. Welcome to join us! |